
Full use of your multi-core CPU by BatchRun

View the Project on GitHub wanglongqi/BatchRun


Making full use of your multi-core CPU by BatchRun.


Usage: [options] [InputFile(s)]

    --version             show program's version number and exit
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    -n NCPU, --ncpu=NCPU  ncpu, use how many cpus for current job.
    -v                    verbosity, dupulicate v to get more details.
    InputFile(s)          If no file(s) is presented, input is readed from stdin.

Output from " -vvvv -n 4 testjobs >sample.out" is shown in sample.out

First, all jobs will be listed.

Jobs 0 : sleep  0
Jobs 1 : sleep  3
Jobs 2 : sleep  1
Jobs 3 : sleep  5
Jobs 4 : sleep  4

Second, a comfirm message will be printed.

Do you want to execute the jobs?(y/N) 

Third, jobs will be excuted. Status will be print to stdout.

Executing job 0 , Pid is 9544
:: New Job info :: 
 Command: sleep  0
     Start time: 3.20708e-07
 Job pid: 9544  Job count: 0

Executing job 1 , Pid is 10760
:: New Job info :: 
 Command: sleep  3
     Start time: 0.00558224
 Job pid: 10760 Job count: 1

Job 0 Finished! Total time 0.324299 Sec.
:: Finished Job info :: 
 Command: sleep  0
     Total time: 0.324317
 Job pid: 9544  Job count: 0

Job 1 Finished! Total time 3.33273 Sec.
:: Finished Job info :: 
 Command: sleep  3
     Total time: 3.33275
 Job pid: 10760 Job count: 1

If Ctrl + C is pressed in the middle, following message will be printed.

Note: User Abort Determined!
13 jobs has been submitted. Rest jobs will be abandoned.
Submited job will not be affected. Kill the processes if you want.

History of BatchRun

This is a project in GoogleCode, if you are interested in the old code, you can find it here.

In the first edtion of this project, I use pp to control processes. In this lastest version, pp is not used anymore. Standard library is quite enough for this project.

I am trying to prettify the output by adding Pid in front of the output, but I cannot work it out. If anyone can improve this, I will be very appreciated.

Another main drawback of this project is that the job list cannot be modified after the list is submitted. Since this project is not meant to be a fullsize task balance system, this feature may not be coded in near future. If anyone interested improve this, I will be very appreciated, too.