Implement of Lagrange Polynomial in Sympy
Posted on 24 Mar 2014 PythonSympy 添加评论Lagrange Polynomial has a general form like:
\[L_i(x)=\prod_{j=1,j\neq i}^{n} \frac{x-x_j}{x_i-x_j}\]Its parameters include:
$n$: number of given points,
$x_i$: coordinates of interpolation points,
order: n-1, the max power in the poly.,
$L_i$: Lagrange Poly. at point $i$ ($i$ start from 0).
We introduce a Sympy implement for the polynomial, since we do not find an official implement. The code is presented here:
def LagrangPoly(x,order,i,xi=None):
if xi==None:
index = range(order+1)
return prod([(x-xi[j])/(xi[i]-xi[j]) for j in index])
This function is rather easy. But yeah it can generate any one variable Lagrange Polynomial. Here is some examples:
Since the parameter xi only needs to be a sequence, the function works with any Sympy supported sequence whether a list or a numpy array. Here we pass a Python list into the function.
\begin{pmatrix}\frac{1}{2} x \left(x -1\right), & - x^{2} + 1, & \frac{1}{2} x \left(x + 1\right)\end{pmatrix}
And the sum of upper three polynomials is 1, of course. It is simple to implement Hermite polynomial by Langange polynomial, which will be left for you practice.